Trip Updates

July 10, 2022
2022 Session One

This resort totally goes with my outfit!

We slept in a little this morning and woke up in the beautiful Westward Look Resort. The sky was so blue, and the pool and many other exciting activities awaited us! Tucson’s weather is always sunny, and we waltzed our way to some delicious breakfast: avocado toast, eggs, bacon, and pancakes!

The kids had a whole day to themselves; some went on horseback rides, some played tennis, some sunbathed by the pool, and some got a relaxing spa treatment.

We gathered for dinner and had some delicious BBQ pulled pork, cowboy beans, mac n cheese, salad, watermelon, and cookies. After dinner, many jumped into the pool, and Colbourne hosted a painting session by the fountain. We had so much fun today at the resort!

Tomorrow we will visit El Paso, TX!